Semiconductor Processing Technician Career

Job Description: Perform any or all of the following functions in the manufacture of electronic semiconductors: load semiconductor material into furnace; saw formed ingots into segments; load individual segment into crystal growing chamber and monitor controls; locate crystal axis in ingot using x-ray equipment and saw ingots into wafers; and clean, polish, and load wafers into series of special purpose furnaces, chemical baths, and equipment used to form circuitry and change conductive properties.

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Semiconductor Processing Technician Career

Salary Info

Median Annual Wage


Median Hourly Wage


Total Employed Nationally


Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics May 2023 wage data and 2022-2032 employment projections. "Projected growth" represents the estimated change in total employment over the projections period (2022-2032). "Projected job openings" represent openings due to growth and replacement.